Monday 6 February 2012

Pin curls

If you want glamorous, retro curls (think Betty Draper for inspiration), then pin curls are a great way to achieve this. It's a time consuming process if you want them perfect, but you can sleep in them over night and they achieve great curls with no heat.

If your hair is a little damp, this will mean that the curls are more robust, although they will take approximately 7-8 hours to dry naturally.

Ensure that the ends of your hair are smooth by applying some serum or gloss.

If you want tight curls, take a very small section of hair - for larger curls, take a larger section. Starting at the end of the hair, curl upwards toward your scalp using a spiral motion.

This is the effect you should create:

For greater movement, curl the curls both clockwise and anti-clockwise, randomly or in a set pattern, depending on the effect you want to create.

You can use clips or bobby pins for this look. When using bobby pins, set them in a criss-cross to secure the hair in place.

If you are sleeping in this look overnight, Bedtime Beauty recommends wrapping a silk scarf around your head to help keep the curls pristine and frizz free!


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